Don't miss the 2nd Annual Green U: A Festival for the Environment! The event offers family friendly activities, classes, exhibitors, food vendors, LIVE music, a farmer's market and fun for the whole family!
We'll have yoga demonstrations, a rock climbing wall, Sci-Quest activities, a fashion show, a reptile show, worm composting, cleaning oil from bird feathers and more!
Classes will include: Sustainability 101, Sustainable Gardening, Greening Your Home, a Sustainable Cooking Demo by 801 Franklin, Starting a Backyard Garden & Edible Landscape and other demonstrations.
There will be FREE mini solar cars to the first 100 kids and Regions Bank will be giving away 5 brand new bicycles!
Admission is FREE with 5 recyclables (old cell phones, plastic bottles, aluminim cans, Capri Sun juice pouches, Dry cell household batteries, glass bottles) or only $5.
Green U is presented by Boeing and Regions Bank