Hello All - I just returned from a fantastic trip to Washington, DC. While we have get very frustrated with what goes on in Washington (maybe they could adopt the slogan - 'What goes on in Washington - stays in Washington') I am not sure we realize what a beautiful city our nation's capital truly is. To spend a day walking The Mall and taking in the incredible monuments that have been erected to honor those so important to our nation's history. What many may not realize is that the design of The Mall was laid out in a similar fashion to the grand palace of Louis XIV at Versailles. The long central axis beginning with the Capital building and running through the Washington Monument continuing past the World War II Memorial, over the Reflecting Pool and terminating at the Lincoln Memorial follows classical landscape design principles.
The museums that are part of the Smithsonian are truly one of our national treasures - this time I had the pleasure of seeing the American History Museum since it was closed for renovation the last time I was a visitor. While one can stay absorbed for hour upon hour indoors, do not miss the opportunity to explore the gardens outside of the museums, especially around The Castle. The landscape plantings outside of the new National Museum of the American Indian is a wonderful collection of native plants doing remarkably well in an urban setting. The Phlox and Black-eyed Susan’s there jump out at you and grab your attention. Lastly you would not want to miss a visit to the US Botanic Garden just on the left-hand side of the Capital - what an impressive conservatory and outdoor garden right in the heart of the city.
I encourage you all to visit Washington if you haven't in a while and soak up the rich history (and plants) that make our country great - Harvey