Gardening 101 – In Alabama (part 2)
Sunday, February 28
2-4 pm
In this second class addressing those new to gardening in north Alabama, the emphasis will be on the best plant materials for our area – including trees, shrubs, annuals and perennials. Putting the ‘Right Plant in the Right Place’ will make many of your gardening tasks easier so come see which plants are great choices for growing in this region and make your garden a more “sustainable” place.
Members $20, Non-members $25.
Lawn Care Made Easy
Wednesday, March 3
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Tired of being a slave to your lawn? Come learn some simple tips to help you enjoy a nice, healthy lawn without all the back-breaking work. We all would like a beautiful green carpet but most of us do not have the time and effort it takes to make our homes look like a golf course. Come see how you can improve your existing situation without having to give up your weekends - Weed control, fertilization, grass selection and proper mowing will all be covered. Special emphasis will be on creating a “sustainable’ plan for your lawn.
Members – $20.00/ Non-Members - $25.00
20% off Your Child's Birthday Party at The Garden
During the months of February and March!
Book any birthday party during the months of February and March and receive 20% off! The Garden is a wonderful place to have a birthday party and EASY on parents! Call 256.830.4447, ext. 226 for more information!