The Spring Garden Sale!


It’s an important time of year in the Garden. We’re gearing up for our annual Spring Plant Sale next week. April 15 leads us off with our Members Only day followed by a wonderful meal together from 5 to 7 p.m. ($12.50). This is one of the most popular weekends in the garden!

Pamela next to big pot 2Easy Container Duos

This coming Saturday, April 10th, we’re excited to have Pamela Crawford at the Garden with us! Pamela is featured in Southern Living this month with a wonderful article on water saving methods of keeping her own garden watered during “no water” orders in Canton, GA You’ll appreciate and enjoy the beautiful pictures Southern Living shares of her garden. Her newest book Easy Container Combo’s: Vegetables and Flowers will be the focus of her demonstrations during the 1:00 p.m. event Saturday. Pamela is a delight to work with and I know you’ll enjoy the program.

I look forward to seeing you at the Garden. It is a great place to be!
